Mike Russell: Vocals/Guitar USA
Reggie Moore - piano USA
Sir Charles Williamson: Bass USA
DiCarlo: Drums USA
“Mike Russell ́s Funky Soul Kitchen” gehört zum einen der besten Funk/Soul bands in Europe. Der band besteht aus internationalen musiker, und spielt eigene songs von Sanger/Guitarist Mike Russell aus Washington, D.C. Mitglieder von dieser “All Star Band” haben mit The Michael Jackson Immortal Band, The Weather Girls, John Lee Hooker Jr, Eddie Harris, TM Stevens, Oneida James, and Joachim Deutschland gespielt. Die Aktuelle CD Mike Russell ́s Funky Soul Kitchen “The Quasimodo Sessions” gibt bei iTunes, Amazon und viele anderen.
With the “Funky Soul Kitchen”, Mike Russel, one of Berlin´s most respected musical artists creates an authentic mix of original funk, jazz and soul music. A band that has 30 + years of tour and club experience with shows all over the country features the driving force rhythm section of master bassist Sir Charles and rock solid beats from Di Carlo (Michael Jackson band, John Lee Hooker Jr.). Lionel Hass, a first call and in demand jazz pianist compliments this grooving powerhouse with melodic virtuosity and fiery improvisation. If authentic down to earth grooving soulful music sounds good to you then this is not a show to miss!
Mike Russel was born in 1952 in Washington D.C. and began studying classical and Flamenco guitar at an early age. His professional career started in the 60s with soul and blues bands.
Song writing and composing was an early interest and this creative side resulted in some studio work with Columbia Records as guitarist and composer.
The year 1970 was his first record release as composer and the title "Black Woman" was recorded by Grammy nominated Gloria Taylor and culminated in a US tour.
The year 1972 saw his own Jazz-Rock group "Water Forest" perform Andy Warhol at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.
Since moving to Berlin in 1989 he has performed with Eddy Harris, Billy Bang and many others. He formed the Black Heritage Orchestra with singer MFA KERA and released the CD in 1995 which reached the Top 10 European world music charts. He also has created his own Jazz-Soul-Funk sound.
He performed on German TV, Guinness Festival South Africa, Greece, Poland and America and returned to Washington D.C. to perform with Mfa Kera & Black Heritage at the world famous Blues Alley Jazz Club and Smithsonian Center. He was also invited to host special workshops at the George Washington University Jazz Department.
Beginn 21:15 Uhr( Einlass 20:00 Uhr)
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