Tarek Yamani - piano (LB)

Igor Spallati - bass (IT)

Ugo Alunni - drums (IT)

IMPORTANT! Please note that seats are distributed on a FIRST-COME, FIRST SERVED basis regardless of the reservation time selected. If you have a particular preference with regards to seating please choose an early time slot. Make sure to select the correct day and time in the widget below. We look forward to welcoming you at the Zig Zag Jazz Club!


Beginn: 21:00 Uhr (Einlass ab 20:00 Uhr)
Artist Support Fee: 20€

“Trailblazing pianist transforms Khaleeji music.”

“Yamani’s resonant chords echo hauntingly in a provocative improvisation with a touch of thrilling angularity.” — All About Jazz

“Tarek Yamani, a piano in each hand.” — L'Agenda Culturel

Der in Beirut geborene und aufgewachsene Tarek Yamani ist ein libanesisch-amerikanischer Pianist, der in Berlin lebt. Er widmet sich der Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen afro-amerikanischem Jazz und klassischer arabischer Musik, die in seinem zweiten Album "Lisan Al Tarab: Jazz Conceptions in Classical Arabic" und in seinem kürzlich erschienenen Album "Peninsular", das Jazz mit Vierteltönen und den Rhythmen der arabischen Halbinsel verschmilzt. Tarek, der mit seiner Komposition "Sama'i Yamani" den prestigeträchtigen "Thelonious Monk Int'l Jazz Composers Competition 2010" gewonnen hat, war Teil dreier weltweiter All-Star-Konzerte des International Jazz Day und teilte die Bühne mit Größen wie Wayne Shorter, Richard Bona, Zakir Hussein, Esperanza Spalding, Antonio Sanchez, Brian Blade und Vinnie Coliauta. Er ist weltweit aufgetreten, u. a. im Smithsonian Institute (Washington, DC), in der Kathedrale La Merce in Barcelona (Spanien), im David Rubenstein Atrium (Lincoln Center, NY), im Boulez Saal (Berlin), im Dizzy's Cub Coca Cola (Jazz at Lincoln Center), im MuCEM Museum (FR), die Versammlungshalle der Vereinten Nationen (NY), das Gran Teatro de la Habana (Kuba), das Melbourne Arts Center, die New York University (Abu Dhabi Festival), das Blue Whale (Los Angeles), das Detroit Institute of Arts, New Morning (Paris), Aaron Davis Hall (NY) und King's Place (UK), um nur einige zu nennen. Ebenso schreibt Tarek Essays über die Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Musik und ist Autor zweier Bücher über Rhythmik. Auch schreibt er erfolgreich Filmmusiken, die auf Festivals rund um den Globus, sowie auf Sendern wie AMC oder BBC zu hören waren.

Igor Spallati - geboren 1985 in Italien, begann er mit 19 Jahren Kontrabass zu spielen und studierte in Italien klassischen Kontrabass bei Silvio Bruni und Franco Petracchi. 2010 zog er nach Berlin, um am „Jazz Institut Berlin“ unter der Leitung von Greg Cohen, John Hollenbeck, Kurt Rosenwinkel und anderen zu studieren. Unter anderem hat er mit Ikonen des Jazz wie Joe Chambers, Billy Hart, Nasheet Waits, Jorge Rossy, Fred Hersch, Ethan Iverson, Ambrose Akinmusire, Lewis Nash, Elias Stemeseder, Jay Anderson, Ronnie Burrage, Pietro Tonolo, Gabriele Mirabassi, Dado Moroni, Joe Hisaishi, Louis Bacalov und der HR BigBand gearbeitet.

Ugo Alunni ist ein Schlagzeuger aus Perugia, Italien. Er besuchte das Conservatorio di Musica “Francesco Morlacchi” in Perugia (2000-2004), danach zog er nach New York, um an der Collective School of Music (2005-2006) weiter zu studieren. Seit 2010 lebt er in Berlin, wo er am Jazz Institut Berlin unter der Leitung von John Hollenbeck, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Greg Cohen und David Friedman studierte, Abschluss 2016. Er spielte mit Rossano Emili, dem Perugia Jazz Orchestra, Pietro Tonolo, Joe Chambers, Dan Kinzelman, Alessandro Lanzoni, Elias Stemeseder , Phil Donkin, Uli Kempendorff, Julia Hülsmann und viele andere.


Born and raised in Beirut, Tarek Yamani is an Lebanese-American, Berlin-based pianist. He has been dedicated to exploring relationships between African-American Jazz and classical Arabic music which are most evident in his second album "Lisan Al Tarab: Jazz Conceptions in Classical Arabic", and in his newly released “Peninsular” which fuses jazz with quarter-tones and the rhythms of the Arabian Peninsula. Winner of the prestigious "Thelonious Monk Int'l Jazz Composers Competition" for his composition "Sama'i Yamani", Tarek has been part of three all-star global concerts of International Jazz Day and shared the stage with luminaries such as Wayne Shorter, Richard Bona, Zakir Hussein, Esperanza Spalding, Antonio Sanchez, Brian Blade and Vinnie Coliauta He has performed around the world in venues such as the Smithsonian Institute (Washington, DC), Barcelona Cathedral at La Merce (Spain), David Rubenstein Atrium (Lincoln Center, NY), Boulez Saal (Berlin), Dizzy's Cub Coca Cola (Jazz at Lincoln Center), MuCEM museum (FR), the United Nations Assembly Hall (NY), Gran Teatro de la Habana (Cuba), Melbourne Arts Center, New York University (Abu Dhabi Festival), the Blue Whale (Los Angeles), the Detroit Institute of Arts, New Morning (Paris), Aaron Davis Hall (NY), and King’s Place (UK) to name a few. Tarek is also an educator, author of two self-published music books on rhythm and a film score composer of films screened in 70+ festivals around the world and broadcasted on AMC network, BBC and Sundance TV. Tarek also writes essays observing relationships between science and music as he self-published two educational books about rhythm and wrote scores for films screened in 100+ festivals around the world and broadcasted on AMC network, BBC and Sundance TV.

Igor Spallati - born in Italy in 1985, he began playing double bass at the age of 19 and studied classical double bass in Italy with Silvio Bruni and Franco Petracchi. In 2010 he moved to Berlin to study at the "Jazz Institut Berlin" under the guidance of Greg Cohen, John Hollenbeck, Kurt Rosenwinkel and others. Among others, he has worked with icons of jazz such as Joe Chambers, Billy Hart, Nasheet Waits, Jorge Rossy, Fred Hersch, Ethan Iverson, Ambrose Akinmusire, Lewis Nash, Elias Stemeseder, Jay Anderson, Ronnie Burrage, Pietro Tonolo, Gabriele Mirabassi, Dado Moroni, Joe Hisaishi, Louis Bacalov and the HR BigBand.

Ugo Alunni is a percussionist from Perugia, Italy. He attended the Conservatorio di Musica "Francesco Morlacchi" in Perugia (2000-2004), then moved to New York to continue his studies at the Collective School of Music (2005-2006). Since 2010 he lives in Berlin, where he studied at the Jazz Institut Berlin under the direction of John Hollenbeck, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Greg Cohen and David Friedman, graduating in 2016. He has played with Rossano Emili, the Perugia Jazz Orchestra, Pietro Tonolo, Joe Chambers, Dan Kinzelman, Alessandro Lanzoni, Elias Stemeseder , Phil Donkin, Uli Kempendorff, Julia Hülsmann and many others.



Beginn: 21:00 Uhr (Einlass ab 20:00 Uhr)
Artist Support Fee: 20€

Zig Zag Jazz Club
Hauptstr. 89, 12159 Berlin