Mark Pringle - Piano (UK)
James Banner - Double Bass (UK)
Jordan Dinsdale - Drums (UK)
The Piano Trio has been an essential force in the development of jazz music from the 1930s right up until the present day. Many of the greatest black American artists in the history of jazz - Bud Powell, Mary Lou Williams, Geri Allen, Thelonious Monk, Hank Jones, Ahmad Jamal to name a few - dedicated their lives and careers to developing this format. The 3 British expat musicians - Mark Pringle, James Banner and Jordan Dinsdale - will perform pieces drawn from Great American Songbook and bebop repertoire, paying tribute to and raising up the life and work of some of these great artists.
Mark Pringle is a pianist and composer from the UK working in the fields of jazz and improvised music. In his adopted home of Berlin he takes prime inspiration from his peers, often appearing alongside people like Cansu Tanrikulu, Felix Henkelhausen, Max Santner, James Banner, Ludwig Wandinger, Hayden Prosser, Sölvi Kolbeinsson and Brad Henkel, to name a few. Mark is active as a leader, collaborator and sideman in diverse artistic projects Europe-wide, having performed in prominent locations across the UK, Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Iceland, Finland, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Poland and the Netherlands. He has occasionally appeared in classical settings, most notably to perform Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time in 2015. Between 2011 and 2017 Mark undertook conservatoire studies in Birmingham, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen and Amsterdam, where important teachers were John Taylor, Greg Cohen, Søren Kjærgaard, Harmen Fraanje and Liam Noble.
James Banner is an improvising musician and composer based in Berlin. He performs in variety of situations across jazz, improvised and contemporary music in projects such as James Banner's USINE, Birgitta Flick Quartet and Tilo Weber Quartet: Four Fauns, as well as composing for collaborative projects with artists and collectives such as Stephanie Lamprea and The Arc Project. His music has been supported and featured by BBC, PRS Foundation, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Initiative Musik and the Berlin Senate. James currently co-curates the monthly residency Practically Married (with Declan Forde) at Berlin’s Donau115, and is a visiting lecturer in improvisation at Leeds College of Music
Jordan Dinsdale A young British drummer based in Berlin, Jordan has studied and played with some of the greatest names in Jazz including Jimmy Cobb, Chris Cheek, Jimmy Wormworth and Greg Cohen. Since moving to Berlin in June 2019, Jordan has recorded a trio album with the great Greg Cohen and Declan Forde titled FORDE/COHEN/DINSDALE. During the winter of 2019 Jordan and bassist Yonatan Levi recorded in the heart of Berlin with Ofer Ganor and Ilya Lushtak, two associates of the New York scene. After recently meeting Doug Weiss in early 2020, they have already begun a working relationship in various situations, sharing a love for the same beat. Currently they have a trio featuring Béla Meinberg on piano. Some of Jordan’s teachers include Jimmy Cobb, Johnathan Blake and Eric McPherson.
Show: 19:30 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr (Einlass 18:30 Uhr)
Show: 21:30 Uhr - 22:30 Uhr (Einlass 21:00 Uhr)
Eintritt frei - Beitrag erwünscht
IMPORTANT: The time you book your reservation for is the beginning of the concert! Please make sure to arrive at the club in time, but at least 15min before the concert starts, as we allocate seats on a first-come-first-serve basis. Arriving too late (less than 15min before the concert) may cause that your seats will be no longer available, especially when the concert is booked out.
In order to comply with the current distance and hygiene regulations, we will from now on present 2 shows per evening with a changing audience, as it is also common in cities like New York and London. This will create a very special, intimate and familiar atmosphere for you and us through the resulting new room layout with sofas and upholstered chairs distributed throughout the entire room and will ensure an even more intense and electrifying live music experience, which you will be able to enjoy more than ever before!
Reservations are limited due to social distance regulations.
We ask for your understanding that due to the newly regulated room layout, group reservations are more likely to receive a seat with a table than single person reservations. Thank you very much
(Our team has been thoroughly informed about the hygiene regulations. Please take note that we strictly adhere to the hygiene regulations and distance instructions).
Hinweise zur Reservierung - WICHTIG: Die Uhrzeit, zu der Sie reservieren, ist der Konzertbeginn. Bitte beachten Sie, rechtzeitig, mindestens jedoch 15min vor Konzertbeginn, am Club zu erscheinen, da wir Sitzplätze auf First-Come-First-Serve-Basis vergeben. Die Uhrzeit, zu der Sie reservieren, ist der Konzertbeginn. Bei zu spätem Erscheinen (weniger als 15min vor Konzertbeginn) können Ihre Plätze wieder freigegeben werden.
Um die aktuellen Abstands- und Hygienevorschriften einzuhalten, werden wir ab sofort 2 Shows pro Abend mit einem wechselnden Publikum präsentieren, wie es auch in Städten wie New York und London üblich ist. Dies verschafft uns und Ihnen durch die daraus entstandene neue Raumaufteilung mit im gesamten Raum verteilten Sofas und gepolsterten Stühlen eine ganz besondere, intime und familiäre Atmosphäre und sorgt für ein noch intensiveres und elektrisierenderes Livemusikerlebnis, welches Sie so mehr denn je genießen können!
Reservierungen sind begrenzt aufgrund der sozialen Distanzierungsvorschriften.
Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis, dass Gruppenreservierungen aufgrund der neu geregelten Raumaufteilung eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit auf einen Sitzplatz mit Tisch erhalten als Einzelpersonen. Vielen Dank!
(Unser Team wurde gründlich über die Hygienevorschriften informiert. Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass wir uns strikt an die Hygienevorschriften und Distanzierungsmaßnahmen halten.)
One of the reasons that makes the zig zag jazz club so unique is that it is the first and only jazz club in the world that manages to finance world class events through a crowd funding concept. How do we do it? Its quite simple… during the break of the concert we make an announcement regarding the collection for the evening. For most concerts (excluding the jam session) we inform our customers that a fee of around 15€ per person will allow us to fairly compensate the musicians. Some people give more and some give less… and that´s ok… we ´ve already successfully promoted hundreds of concerts like this!!!
Einer der Gründe, die den Zig Zag Jazzclub so einzigartig machen, ist, dass er der erste und einzige Jazzclub der Welt ist, dem es gelingt nur durch freiwilligem Eintritt/Crowdfunding Events von Weltklasse zu finanzieren. Und wie machen wir das? Ganz einfach. Während der Konzertpause geben wir bekannt, dass wir Geld einsammeln werden. Bei den meisten Konzerten (außer Jam Sessions) informieren wir unsere Kunden, dass ein Beitrag von ungefähr 15 Euro es uns erlaubt die Musiker gerecht zu bezahlen. Manche geben dabei mehr und andere weniger... und das ist auch in Ordnung. Wir haben auf diese Weise schon Hunderte Konzerte organisiert.