Eva Jagun: voc. (D)
Lito Tabora: p. (PHL)
Florian Menzel: tr. (D)
Manuel Zacek: b. (CH)
Kai Schönburg: dr. (D)
Jagun was founded by the singer and composer Eva Jagun in 2007. The band celebrated its first live performance with strings at the Quasimodo in Berlin. After several concerts, Jagun released "My Blue Hour" (Galileo MC), their debut album in 2011. Followed by two tours in Brazil and Germany the band recorded under the musical direction of bassist Manuel Zacek „Camburi“ (Galileo MC), which was released in 2013. In addition to many elements of jazz, there are mainly the Brazilian influences which shape Jaguns music. The compositions range from big band instrumentation with strings and brass to intimate duo ballads. Evas lyrics are partly in English, Portuguese and Spanish.The bands International flair arises also especially because of the fact that the composer duo Jagun / Zacek wins a variety of musicians from different countries and cultural backgrounds for this project. For the recording of „Se O Mundo É Retangular“ the following cast was brought together: Beba Zanettini (Brazil) - Rhodes, Cremildo de Caifaz (Mozambique) - guitar, Diego Pinera (Uruguay) - drums.
Die einzigartige Klangwelt Brasiliens, zwischen Bossa Nova, Samba-Jazz und afrikanischen Einflüssen wird auf Jaguns zweitem Album „Camburi“ (Galileo-MC 2014) in seiner ganzen Vielfalt lebendig und von der Band kongenial mit modernem europäischem Sound verbunden. Das Komponistenduo Eva Jagun & Manuel Zacek bilden den musikalischen Kern der fünfköpfigen Band. Ausgeklügelte Arrangements und spontane, improvisierte Parts vermischen die Musiker zu ihrer ganz eigenen Interpretation von Weltmusik.
Mit dem Song „Se O Mundo É Retangular“ gewann die Band den „deutschen Rock & Pop Preis 2015“ in der Kategorie "Best Latin-Song“.
Beginn 21:15 Uhr( Einlass 20:00 Uhr)