Bill McHenry - ts. (USA)
Wanja Slavin - as. (DE)
Andreas Lang - b. (DK)
Joe Smith - dr. (USA)

This Quartet was formed in April 2016 in Berlin and will be going into the studio next week to record their first album with new compositions from its leader, Bill McHenry. The music is a pleasant mixture of melodies, improvisations, and rhythmic landscapes. Bill McHenry is a saxophone player and composer who lives in New York, Barcelona, and Maine. He has made seven recordings as a leader and is known for his work with Andrew Cyrille, Paul Motian, Eric Revis, Guillermo Klein, Andrew D’Angelo, Reid Anderson, Orrin Evans, John McNeil, Ben Waltzer, Rebecca Martin, Duane Eubanks, Jamie Saft, and Ethan Iverson. His first two albums for the Sunnyside label, Roses, and Ghosts of the Sun are with Paul Motian, Reid Anderson and Ben Monder. His 2012 album, La Peur du Vide was recorded live at the Village Vanguard with Orrin Evans, Eric Revis, and Andrew Cyrille. He will be joined by Berlin’s very own Wanja Slavin, Andreas Lang and Joe Smith.

Beginn: 21:00 Uhr ( Einlass 20:00 Uhr) 
Eintritt frei – Beitrag erwünscht



One of the reasons that makes the zig zag jazz club so unique is that it is the first and only jazz club in the world that manages to finance world class events through a donation/crowd funding concept. How do we do it? Its quite simple… during the break of the concert we make an announcement regarding the collection for the evening. For most concerts (excluding the jam session) we inform our customers that a donation of around 15€ per person will allow us to fairly compensate the musicians. Some people give more and some give less… and that´s ok… we ´ve already successfully promoted hundreds of concerts like this!!!


Einer der Gründe, die den Zig Zag Jazzclub so einzigartig machen, ist, dass er der erste und einzige Jazzclub der Welt ist, dem es gelingt nur durch Spenden/Crowdfunding Events von Weltklasse zu finanzieren. Und wie machen wir das? Ganz einfach. Während der Konzertpause geben wir bekannt, dass wir Geld einsammeln werden. Bei den meisten Konzerten (außer Jam Sessions) informieren wir unsere Kunden, dass eine Spende von ungefähr 15 Euro es uns erlaubt die Musiker gerecht zu bezahlen. Manche geben dabei mehr und andere weniger... und das ist auch in Ordnung. Wir haben auf diese Weise schon Hunderte Konzerte organisiert.