Miz Moni- voc. (USA)
Adam Lenox - b. (USA)
Helmut Bruger - p (D)
Kai Schoenburg - dr. (D)
Loomis Green - g (USA)
The Zig Zag Jazz Club and Brooklyn Bridge is proud to present the funkiest Wednesdays event in all of Berlin. Come by and experience the perfect tailored mix of Jazz, Soul, Motown and R & B, the best grooves from the 1950's through the millennium.
This Week´s Special Guest Vocalist: Miz Moni
House & Soul vocalist, Miz Moni, exploded onto the club scene with her hit song 'Keep on Swingin' - featured on 'The Annual' (Ministry of Sound) and the world’s most famous party compilation; 'Ibiza, In Bed With Space'.
Billed as having ‘the voice of an angel’, Miz Moni is a true soul diva. Her powerful performances send tingles up the spine EVERY time.
There’s a lot of love in the room when Miz Moni is about.
BROOKLYN BRIDGE is an international band featuring some of the most in demand musicians in thePop ,Soul, and Funk scene. Every week at the Zig Zag Jazz Club they back up a unique and explosive line up of Europe’s best American singers. Their unfailing reputation for injecting high octane quality performance into any event, has made them one of the most sought after bands in Europe.
Adam Lenox
Adam was born in 1968 in New York. At the time, his birth place; Greenwich Village, was pivotal in redefining Jazz and Rock ’n’ Roll. As son to the world renowned compo-ser/singer/songwriter, Bob Lenox, Adam’s babysitter roster read like the who’s who of Jazz greats. He grew up peering up at the likes of Stevie Wonder, Keith Jarrett and Kris Kristofferson and went on to while away his teenage years living in a 5 star hotel, in the renowned Jazz community; Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania. Here, he played bass in his father’s trio. When not performing with dad, Adam worked alongside countless musical legends: Dave Liebman (Miles Davis), Gerardo Velez (Jimi Hendrix), Lenny Kaye (Patti Smith), César Diaz (Bob Dylan) and Steve Missal (Billy Idol). Late night gigging and performing with his father to 30,000 strong crowds at the BCVC folk festival, naturally led onto Adam playing the Manhattan club circuit. Adam has a humble take on things; “Growing up in New York, at that time, was a “learning by osmosis” kind of experience. It’s inevitable that anyone in that position would have got caught up in the music.”
Loomis Green
Loomis Connell Green was born in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1968 and began learning the guitar at 9 years of age. At the age of 19 he studied Jazz guitar at a local univerity, he than left Daytona Beach Florida after his studies and joined the U.S. Army Band and was stationed in Berlin Germany. While serving 3 years playing at military engagements , he was honorably discharged from the military In 1991 due to a knee operation that caused him to not be able to run for long periods of time rendering him unfit for military duties, he then began working for such acts as
" Weather Girls " and "Eartha Kitt " and many more well known artist . In the mid 90's Loomis began composing and producing for artists in Europe and America. He is a “chameleon”! Meaning he is well versed in many styles Jazz, rock, funk, RnB, soul, latin and gospel of the When not touring, hes teaching, producing and working as a studio guitarist . His list of performances consist of, but are not limited to these artists :
Jan Delay, Eartha Kitt, Weather Girls, Benny Golson, Kenny Burrell, Patricia Kaas, Buster Williams, Horace Parlan, Aloe Blacc, Santana, Nadja Benaissa,Taco, Amp Fiddler+++
Kai Schoenburg
Kai studierte zu Beginn der 90er Jahre Schlagzeug bei Keith Copeland und Michael Küttner an der Musikhochschule Köln. 1992 bekam er dort selbst seinen ersten Lehrauftrag und begann sich einen Namen zu machen als Dozent zahlreicher Jazz- und Rockworkshops. Von 1996 bis 2001 war er der Solo- Schlagzeuger am Theater des Westens in Berlin und hat in dieser Zeit Shows wie Chicago, Jesus Christ Superstar, Falco meets Amadeus und Grease begleitet. Schönburg hat bei einer großen Anzahl von Produktionen und Konzerten mitgewirkt und hat dabei unter anderem mit Ernie Watts, Jiggs Whigham, Thärichens Tentett, Ack van Royen, Rias-Big-Band, New York Voices, Uli Beckerhoff, Candy Dulfer, NDR-Big-Band, Judy Niemack, Herb Geller, Jasper van't Hof, Joja Wendt, Manfred Krug und Lee Konitz zusammengearbeitet.
Der Berliner Pianist Helmut Bruger begann im Alter von sechs Jahren Klavier zu spielen. Inspiriert durch die Musik von Herbie Hancock und Bill Evans begeisterte er sich schon frühzeitig für den Jazz. Von 1988-1991 lebte er in Boston (USA) und studierte dort am berühmten Berkeley College of Music. In dieser Zeit spielte er mit Jazzgrößen wie Roy Hargrove, Anthony Hart und Matthew Garrison zusammen. Seit 1991 lebt Helmut Bruger wieder in Berlin und ist dort nicht nur als freischaffender Pianist sehr gefragt, sondern feiert auch mit seinem "Helmut Bruger Trio" Erfolge (eigenwillige Interpretationen von Jazzstandards und Eigenkompositionen). Neben dem Jazz ist seine Stilistik auch von anderen Musikrichtungen wie Funk, R&B, Blues, Gospel und Latin beeinflusst.
One of the reasons that makes the zig zag jazz club so unique is that it is the first and only jazz club in the world that manages to finance world class events through a donation/crowd funding concept. How do we do it? Its quite simple… during the break of the concert we make an announcement regarding the collection for the evening. For most concerts (excluding the jam session) we inform our customers that a donation of around 15€ per person will allow us to fairly compensate the musicians. Some people give more and some give less… and that´s ok… we ´ve already successfully promoted hundreds of concerts like this!!!
Einer der Gründe, die den Zig Zag Jazzclub so einzigartig machen, ist, dass er der erste und einzige Jazzclub der Welt ist, dem es gelingt nur durch Spenden/Crowdfunding Events von Weltklasse zu finanzieren. Und wie machen wir das? Ganz einfach. Während der Konzertpause geben wir bekannt, dass wir Geld einsammeln werden. Bei den meisten Konzerten (außer Jam Sessions) informieren wir unsere Kunden, dass eine Spende von ungefähr 15 Euro es uns erlaubt die Musiker gerecht zu bezahlen. Manche geben dabei mehr und andere weniger... und das ist auch in Ordnung. Wir haben auf diese Weise schon Hunderte Konzerte organisiert.