Bill Mchenry - Tenor Saxophone (USA)
Roland Satterwhite - Violin, Viola (CAN)
Kiz Kosack - Synthesizers (USA)
Dan Peter Sundland - Electric Bass (NOR)
Joe Smith - Drums, Compositions (USA)
Created in Spain in 2002, Joe Smith's Melodic Workshop has a brand new line-up with new and old faces... But the concept of the group is the same; Music that revolves around the melody, presented in many diverse styles and energies. From extremely slow ballads to frantically fast rides, the music is dramatic to the core. Electric by nature and yet Classicly pure. Rocking and yet sophisticated. The expressive voices of each musical personality tell their stories. Originally from Chicago via New York City and Barcelona, Joe Smith currently lives in Berlin, taking part in many of the diverse musical scenes the city has to offer. The group's first recording, Joe Smith's Melodic Workshop (Fresh Sound New Talent) features Jorge Rossy, Guillermo Klein, Chris Lightcap, Gorka Benitez and Joe's long time friend and collaborator, Bill McHenry who will be reunited with the new group on this very special night. Rounding out the current group is the multi-talented Roland Satterwhite on Violin and Viola, Liz Kosack on Synthesizers and Dan Peter Sundland on Electric Bass.
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